Meaning Absorption line
What does Absorption line mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word Absorption line. You can also add a definition of Absorption line yourself


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Absorption line

A line of finite width in the absorption spectrum. Absorption lines are characterized by their central wavelength, line intensity, and line width.


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Absorption line

A dark line in a continuous spectrum caused by absorption of light. Each chemical element emits and absorbs radiated energy at specific wavelengths, making it possible to identify the elements present [..]


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Absorption line

In spectroscopy, and in particular the solar Fraunhofer spectrum, a characteristic wavelength of emitted radiation that is partially absorbed by the medium between the source and the observer. definition courtesy of: NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
Source: (offline)


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Absorption line

A dark line in a continuous spectrum caused by absorption of light. Each chemical element emits and absorbs radiated energy at specific wavelengths, making it possible to identify the elements present in the atmosphere of a star or other celestial body by analyzing which absorption lines are present.
Source: (offline)


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Absorption line

A dark line in a continuous spectrum caused by absorption of light. Each chemical element emits and absorbs radiated energy at specific wavelengths, making it possible to identify the elements present [..]

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